Wednesday, December 19, 2007

MERRY CHRISTMAS (12/24-12/29)

MONDAY: Luke 1:26-38

1. Contrast Gabriel’s’ message to Zechariah (Luke 1:13-17) with his message to Mary (1:28-33). 2. How are they different? How are they alike?
3. How did Mary’s response (1:34) differ from Zechariah’s (1:18)? Why was Zechariah struck dumb (1:20) and why wasn’t Mary 1:38)?
4. What do you learn about Jesus from Gabriel’s announcement?

FAITH STEP: Zechariah was feared God but doubted. What fears do you think Mary had? Yet she did not let her fears keep her from believing God’s word to her. What fears keep you from trusting and obeying God? In what area of your life do you need to say, as Mary did, “I am the Lord’s servant, may it be as you have said.”


1. Take a few minutes this Christmas day to reflect on the birth of Jesus. (Luke 21-6). As you read about Mary waiting to give birth and there being no room at the inn – how do you think she felt – especially considering the promises God made her in Luke 1:30-35?
2. Have you ever been sick or in crisis in a strange place? How did you feel? How do you think Mary felt? How would you feel placing your newborn baby in a feeding tough? Would you feel like God let you down or that you let God down by putting his son in a manger?
3. What does this incident teach you about Mary’s faith? About God being in control?

WEDNESDAY: Luke 2:8-20

1. Why do you think God made the announcement of Jesus’ birth to shepherds? Why not religious leaders? Political leaders?
2. What was the good news the angels brought the shepherds? What was the sign they were to look for?
3. What did the shepherds do after they saw Jesus (verse 17)

FAITH STEP: What good news about Jesus has God revealed to you in your life? Are you forgiven? Saved? Who would be amazed at what you have learned about Jesus? Look for an opportunity to share with someone this week – what Jesus has done for you.

THURSDAY: Matthew 1:18-25

1. If you were in Joseph’s place how would you have felt after finding out your betrothed was pregnant? What do you think people said about Joseph and to Joseph when he decided to remain with Mary?
2. Why was Jesus to be named “Jesus” (verse 21)? Besides “Jesus” by what other name was the baby to be known? What does it mean?

FAITH STEP: What does Joseph teach you about trusting God? In what area of your life do you need to trust God even though people think your actions are stupid? Write a paragraph or share with someone a time where you have seen “Immanuel” in your life?

FRIDAY: Matthew 2:1-12

1. Why was Herod (1:6) and Jerusalem disturbed about the birth of Jesus? Where did the Wise Men visit Jesus (verse 11)?
2. Look up gold, frankincense and myrrh? Why do you think these gifts were given to Jesus?

FAITH STEP: Who or what event was the “star” that led you to find Jesus. Write a note or make a call to a person that was instrumental in helping you find Jesus and thank them for their part in leading you to the Savior. What gift can you give Jesus this week as an act of worship to Him?

SATURDAY: Take the word CHRISTMAS and make an acrostic. Use this sentence Jesus is… (Find a word that begins with C and go all the way to the end of the word.) This can be a good Life group or family project. Spend some time praising Jesus for what he has done for you.

Thursday, December 13, 2007


This is the time of year where many of us experience the pain of loneliness. This weak we will look at how Paul dealt with loneliness and see what we can learn.

1. What did Paul do before becoming a Christian? (9:1-2)
2. Paul was convicted when he discovered his lifestyle was opposed to God. List two ways that guilt and sin can make you feel lonely?
3. Who did God send to help Paul with his feelings of guilt and loneliness?
4. What did Paul do when he realized he had disobeyed God (9:11, 18,19b)? How would this help him with the loneliness felt by him realizing he disobeyed God?

1. After his conversion, what did Paul begin to do at once (vs. 20)? Would you be suspicious? Why or why not?
2. What did the Jews conspire to do? How did Paul escape? Can you think of a time when people rejected you or attempted to harm you? Did you feel lonely? Notice Paul accepted the help of his friends (verse 25). Make a list of some friends who you can call on when the loneliness of rejection hits your life. Spend time thanking God for those friends?

1. Paul’s came to Jerusalem about 3 years after his time in Damascus (See Galatians 1:18,19). What type of reception did he receive? Who did God use to help break down the wall built between the Christians and Paul?
2. Even though Paul was misunderstood and rejected what did he do to combat the loneliness that he must have felt? (Verse 28)? One lesson we can learn is that to overcome loneliness sometimes we need to build bridges to others as Paul did. He did not go into a shell but he stayed with those who were afraid of him and he emphasized the needs of others.
3. Is there someone you know that may be lonely because they are being misjudged or doubted as Paul was? What can you do to help them?

1. What did Paul and Barnabas argue about? What was the result of their disagreement? Paul and Barnabas went through a lot together (See Acts 13-15). Why would their separation bring on loneliness?
2. Read Colossians 4:10, 2 Timothy 4:11. Did they “patch things up”? Who appeared to admit he was wrong? Are their any broken relationships that you “need to patch”?
Notice Paul did not let this “break up” keep him from forming other close relationships (Read 1 Timothy 1:2, Philemon 1 etc.). What can you do this week to strengthen your close relationships or begin building close relationships?

FRIDAY: Acts 17:13-34 - PAUL IN ATHENS
1. Paul left Timothy and Silas in Berea and went to Athens. Why was he greatly distressed in Athens?
2. As a Christian, do you, when surrounded by non-believers, ever feel lonely? Write down two reasons why?
3. Notice what Paul did when lonely in Athens. He once again built bridges (See verse 34).
As Christians what can we do to keep from being “lonely” when surrounded at work by “non-believers”? Are their other believers where you work? What can you do together to help strengthen each other?

1. Paul in prison, facing execution was experiencing loneliness. Look at verse 13.What did he ask for? How can these items help him overcome loneliness?
When alone ask yourself – what can I do now – that I can’t do when other people are around? Write a letter, study the word, pray. When alone use your time wisely.

Friday, December 7, 2007


Solomon may not have always practiced what he preached but he wrote a lot regarding God’s view on sex. This week we will explore some of what he says.

MONDAY: Read Proverbs 2:1-22

1. According to verse 6 who gives wisdom? What are the results of pursuing God’s wisdom (vs. 9, 11, 12, and 16)?
2. What does the adulteress use to capture her prey (verse 16)? By breaking her vows with her husband what else has she done (verse 17)? According to verses 18 and 19, what is the result of giving in to sexual temptation?
3. Define “discretion” (verse 11). How can it protect you?
4. What benefits come from pursuing wisdom (verses 1-6)?

FAITH STEP: Examining your life answer this question. In any area of your life have you left “the straight paths to walk in dark ways” (Verse 13)? What do you need to do to get back on that path? Who can help you?

TUESDAY: Read Proverbs 5:1-14

1. How does Solomon describe the adulteress’ language? What warnings does he give about adultery (Verses 1-6)?
2. Verses 7-14 list several consequences of sexual immorality. Can you list some?
3. How can an adulterous relationship lead to “strangers feast(ing) in your wealth and your toil enrich(ing) another man’s house?
4. How can sexual immorality cause your “flesh and body” to be spent (Verse 11)?
5. What happens to the one involved in adultery’s reputation (verse 15)?

FAITH STEP: As you watch TV this week, be aware of how the entertainment industry portrays adultery and sexual promiscuity. Write down three examples and contrast the incidents on TV with what you read in Proverbs 5. How are they alike? How are they different?

WEDNESDAY: Read Proverbs 5:15-23

1. Proverbs 2:8-9 States that God and His wisdom can help protect us from the seduction of adultery and sexual immorality. In Proverbs 5:15-19 what other person can help us to ward off sexual temptation?
2. In what does Solomon say we are to rejoice?
3. What do the verbs used in Proverbs 5:18-19 teach us about God’s view of sex and marriage? What do we learn about God’s view of sex in these verses? (Hebrew 13:4, I Corinthians 7:3-5, Mark 10:6-9).
4. What teachings in verses 21-23 should motivate us to stay pure?

FAITH STEP: How does God’s view of sex differ from your own? How has your view of sex affected your marriage? Relationships? God does not condemn sex. In fact he created it and says it’s good when done his way. It is the perversion and abuse of sex that God condemns. Many have been victims of sexual abuse. If you have been what should you do to fund the help and healing you need? If you have received help and healing who can you help who may be carrying the guilt and shame of abuse?

THURSDAY: Read Proverbs 6:20-35
According to verses 20-24 who has the responsibility to teach children about God’s plan for sex?
1. What three dangers, found in this passage should we teach adolescents about sexual immorality?
2. What “picture words” used here grab your attention?
3. According to verse 23, what is the way to life?

FAITH STEP: What plans have you made in order to talk to your children about God’s creation of sex? What do you want to tell them? If your children or grown or you have no children - write down what you wish your parents would have taught you about sex and share it with someone with children? Need help? Find a mature Christian and ask for their advice. Pray for the children in your family asking God to use you to teach them God’s commands in a way that will guide them throughout life.

FRIDAY: Read Proverbs 7:1-27

Solomon spends much of the first seven chapters of Proverbs dealing with the sin of sexual immorality – specifically adultery and prostitution. Verses 6-23 almost sound autobiographical. 1. How does the adulteress’ seduction appeal to the five senses of the young man being led astray?
2. What do verses 22-23 teach you about the power of sexual sin?
3. Read I Corinthians 6:18-20. What sets sexual sin apart from other sins?

FAITH STEP: If you are struggling with sexual sin seek help at a website like or contact a Christian counselor.

SATURDAY: Read John 8:1-11

1. Many people carry the guilt of sexual sin. Turn and read John 8: 1-11. What sin was this woman guilty of?
2. What did Jesus show the woman when he challenged her accusers that “the one without sin should throw the first stone”? (See Romans 3:23)
3. After everyone left what comforting words did Jesus give to the woman (verse 11)? What similar promise does God give his children in Romans 8:1?
4. What challenge does Jesus give the woman in verse 11?

FAITH STEP: The good news is that in Christ we are NOT condemned. Like the woman caught in adultery we too can be assured that we are not alone in sin, that if we confess our sin to Jesus we will not be condemned and tat with his power we can make positive life changes. Do not let Satan’s guilt rob you of the peace we have in Christ and do not let past mistakes keep you from now enjoying God’s gift of sex within the parameters he has set for our protection and blessing.