God says a lot about money, one reason being we spend most of our life making it, saving it and spending it. It is a central part of our existence therefore we should look at God’s word to make sure that we are handling it in a way that gives him the glory He is due. This week we will look at the Bible and some of the things it says about money.
The Bible never suggests that it is a sin to be rich. In fact, some great men of faith have been among the wealthiest people of their day—men like Job, Abraham, David, and Solomon. It was God who gave these men their riches. However, while money itself is not sinful, the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. People who set their hearts on getting more money may eventually try anything, sacrifice morals and compromise values to achieve their goal.
1. Read Deuteronomy 8:18. Who gives the ability to get money?
2. What is the root of all kinds of evil (I Timothy 6:10)?
2. Read 1 Timothy 6:9. What happens to those whose goal in life is to accumulate wealth? What type of harmful and foolish desires can you think of that would tempt someone who loves money?
FAITH STEP: Looking at loving God or loving money, how do you know which is number 1 in your life? Make of list of at least three attitudes that a person who loves money would have? Find three Scriptures that talk about those attitudes. What do you learn? Pray asking God to delver you from those attitudes?
1. Look up the definition of “contentment”. What does it mean?
2. Hebrews 13:5-7. With what are we to be content? What to promises from God are found in this passage that should help us be content?
3. Read Philippians 4:10-13. What has Paul learned to be in spite of his circumstances? What do you think his secret is? (4:13)
FAITH STEP: Paul said he “learned” the secret of contentment. That means we too can learn to find contentment in any and every situation. How can the promises of God’s presence (Hebrews 13: 5), God’s provision (Hebrews13:6) and God’s power (Philippians 4:13) help you be content in life? Philippians 4:13 is often a verse taken out of context. Paul is not saying that God will allow me to do whatever I want in any and every situation. Of course God’s power can do that but there are things God does not intend to do (for example he did not remove Paul’s “thorn in the flesh”- 2 Corinthians 12:7-9). What Paul is saying that he has learned that he can endure every situation by depending on the strength provided by Christ. This week work on memorizing Philippians 4:13 and Hebrews 13:5.
1. God does not condemn wealth, but he does warn of its dangers. Read Mark 10:17-31. Notice the man asked “what must I DO to inherit eternal life” (verse 17)? Who was he depending on for his salvation? How does that contrast to the attitude Jesus says we must have in Mark 10:15?
2. Why do you think Jesus told him to sell all he had and give it to the poor? Why do you think the man could not do what Jesus asked?
3. Mark 10:23-26 says it is very hard for the rich to be saved. According to 10:27 we can be saved only because of the work of God – not because of our worthiness.
FAITH STEP: You have probably read something similar to this before. While it may not be completely totally accurate it does illustrate a reality. The poorest of Americans are among the riches people in the world. “If we scaled down the world’s population so that we can see it as a global village of 100 people, it would break down like this. Of those 100 people, 70 would be unable to read and only one would have a college education. 50 would be suffering from malnutrition and over 80 would be living in substandard housing. Six of the villagers would be Americans and those six would possess half of the village's entire income. The rest of the 94 would exist on the other half. All 100 would need a Savior.” With the above information in mind, how does Mark 10:17-31 relate to me. Is there a possession that could keep me from inheriting eternal life?
1. Read I Timothy 6:17-19. List three examples from the news or your own experience that shows that wealth is uncertain. Why does God provide us what we need? What does he want us to be rich in? What does he want us to be willing to do?
2. Read Matthew 6:19-21. How does one store up treasures in heaven? What does the way you use your money show about where your heart is?
3. Read 2 Corinthians 9:11. Why does God bless us?
FAITH STEP: Read I John 3:16-17. Who can you think of that could benefit from your generosity? What are you going to do about this week?
1. Read I Corinthians 16:1-2. On which day does God want me to give to His church? On which week?
2. Read 2 Corinthians 9:6-7. What promise does God make? What type of giver does God love?
3. Reading Malachi 3:10, Leviticus 27:30. What did God expect his people to give in the Old Testament? What is a “tithe? What do you think God expect His people to give today?
FAITH STEP: When is the last time you and your household prayerfully discussed how much you should give? Read 2 Corinthians 8:1-7. Write down three characteristics of the Macedonian’s giving. What impresses you about their attitude? As a family discuss and pray about your giving. This Sunday when you give focus on counting your blessings while “the basket is being past”. Make it a time of praise and thanksgiving.
SATURDAY: Look up the word “money” in your concordance. Find five verses and write them down. What lessons do you learn from each verse? Jot down at least five lessons learned. How can you apply these lessons to your life? Pray that God helps you be content with what you have, and that he will guide you as you use the money and possessions he blesses you for His glory.
Friday, October 19, 2007
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Thanks for the blog postings each week. My family and I like the format and use it for our daily study.
Interesting to know.
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