Friday, November 30, 2007


As we began our sermon series on Samson this week (“Stay Strong”) we looked at the importance of setting priorities and focusing on God’s purpose. This week’s studies will help us see the priorities God wants us to set in our lives.


A “priority” is something that is precedes other things in importance. Pleasing God is to be the priority in our life. Today we will look at why God should be the priority of our life. Read the following Scriptures and write down what you learn about God.

Psalm 24:1-2, Psalm 27, Nahum 1:7, Revelation 1:8, John 3:16.

FAITH STEP: Find three other Bible verses that show why God is to be the priority in our life. Share them with your small group our family.


1. Read Matthew 6:25-34. What is Jesus discussing when he commands his disciples to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness?
2. How can worry keep us from being focused on God? How can seeking God first help you deal with worry?
3. What does it mean to seek first “(God’s) kingdom and righteousness”?

FAITH STEP: Write down your top three worries. Now pray about them. Can you find a promise from God to counteract these worries? In what area’s of your life do you need to seek God’s righteousness? Who can help you do that?


1. Read Luke 14:15-24. What excuses did those invited to the banquet make? What areas of their lives took precedence over God?
2. Read verse 24. Why did those who rejected the invitation lose the blessings of being at the banquet? In what areas of your life have you rejected God’s invitation?
3. What implication does verse 23 have for our lives today?

FAITH STEP: List five excuses that people often use to say “no” to God’s invitation. What answer would you give those people? Who do you know that you can invite this week to the “banquet”? Make an effort to do so before Sunday.


1. Read Luke 17:1-3. According to Jesus what is one priority that we are to have? What does Jesus mean when he says “watch yourself”?
2. Read 1 Timothy 4:12. In what five areas are we to set examples?

FAITH STEP: Review and rate yourself in regards to the five areas we are to set good examples in. Using a scale of 1 to 5, with five being never and 5 being always how would you rate the example you set to your family and co-workers when it comes to the five areas mentioned in Timothy. What changes do you need to make in your habits, actions, relationships or attitude in order to set a better example?


1. Read again Luke 17:1-6. Why should rebuking a fellow believer, caught in sin, be a priority? (See James 5:20)
2. Read Galatians 6:1-2. What attitudes should we have in confronting someone in sin? What words would describe the opposite attitude?
3. Why do you think the disciples in Luke 17:5, after hearing Jesus’ commands ask for an increased faith?
4. In verse 6 Jesus encourages them by stating that to do what he is commanding takes little faith. Instead of focusing on our small faith we should focus on the great God who is the object of our faith.

FAITH STEP: Do you know someone who is trapped in sin and needs to gently and lovingly be confronted? What do you need to do?


Define the word “lord”. Take the letters L-O-R-D and (maybe as a family or small group project) develop an acrostic using the letters L-O-R-D, coming up with four words or phrases that describe the lordship of Christ. What does your acrostic teach you about the lordship of Jesus?

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