Friday, February 29, 2008


This week we will continue our study of Hebrews 11 as we learn how to better live by faith in our world by looking at the loves of some of God’s best faith walkers.


1. Read Hebrews 11:7. What “things not yet seen” was Noah warned about? By faith what was Noah moved to do (See Genesis 6:13-17)?
2. How would you describe “holy fear”? How can “holy fear” motivate us to obey God? Look up the words “reverence” and “awe”. What can you learn about “holy fear” from these definitions.
3. How did Noah’s faith affect his family? How does your faith affect your family? Do they see you obeying God when the rest of the world does not? What step of faith do you need to take to help save your family/


1. How is Noah described in Genesis 6:8-9 (Look for four descriptions)?
2. Would your friends or co-workers, family call you “blameless”? With whom would they say you “walk with”? Why do you think Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord?
3. How did Noah’s faith condemn the world? How did the world’s belief differ from Noah’s (See Genesis 6:5 and Genesis 6:9)? What affect does your faith have on those in your world?


1. Read Hebrews 11:7. Noah was the first man in the Bible to be called “righteous (Genesis 6:9). Righteousness is being right with God. Noah was right with God because he took God at his word, he believed what God said and he acted on it.
2. Notice that being “right with God” comes by faith not by rule keeping or ritual. Read Romans 10:17, James 2:23, Romans 1:17, Romans 3:20-24. What do you learn about the relationship of faith to being righteous (right with God)?
3. As an heir of righteousness in what area of your life do you need to learn to trust God more? Pray about that area giving it to God.


1. Read Hebrews 11: 8. Where was Abraham called to go? According to Genesis 12:1, what was Abram ham called to leave?
2. What would be the hardest part about living your country and moving to another country? What fears would you have? What would be the hardest part about “leaving your people” and moving to another culture? What would be the hardest part about leaving your family?
3. How old was Abraham when God told him to leave? Did Abraham know where God ascending him?
4. What if your spouse, child, or other family member came to you and said, “I am moving away tomorrow to another country and I don’t know where I am going but God told me to go there so I am going”. What would your advice be to them?
5. What in your life has God told you to leave (a habit, job, a situation, etc.)? What is keeping you from trusting God and doing what he says? What do you need to do so by faith you can obey God in that area?


1. Read Hebrews 11:9. Where did Abraham make his home? Who were Isaac and Jacob? Why did all three of them live in tents?
2. What city were they really looking forward to?
3. Who else are recipients of this promised city (Galatians 3:26-29)?
4. Look up two verses about heaven. What about your new home are you looking forward to the most?

SATURDAY: Using a hymnal or the internet – look up some hymns of faith. Read or sing the words. Ask God to help you live in faith by obeying even when you don’t understand what all is going to happen as Noah and Abraham did.

Saturday, February 23, 2008


This week we are going to take an unpleasant journey as we look at what the Bible says about hell. A real place prepared for the devil and his angels. We will return to the “Living by Faith” study next week.

MONDAY: Read Luke 16:19-31

1. How many times does Jesus use the word “torment” or “agony” when telling this story? Look up the definitions of these two words? What type of things tormented the rich man who was in hell?
2. What lessons can we learn from verses 29-31? Who is that you need to warn about hell? What is keeping you from doing it?

TUESDAY: Read Matthew 25:31-46

1. According to this story what six actions will Jesus use as a basis for judgment?
For whom are they done – now and ultimately (verse 40)?
2. How does Jesus describe the reward waiting for the “sheep” (Verses 34, 46)?
3. How does he describe the punishment waiting for the “goats” (Verses 41, 46)?
4. Define “eternal”.
5. Review the six areas Jesus mentions. In which area are you the most comfortable in doing? Which area is the most difficult? Think of someone you can help this week in one of these six areas and as a LIFE group, family or individual look to serve them.

WEDNESDAY: Read Matthew 8:12, 13:42, 22:13, 25:30

1. How does Jesus describe hell in these verses? What emotions come to your mind when you see the words “weeping and gnashing of teeth”?
2. How do you think life would be if you never saw light?
3. Using the descriptions above draw a picture or wrote a poem or paragraph of what you would think hell would be like?

THURSDAY: Read Mark 9:43-48

1. Jesus is using hyperbole to make a point. What point is he making?
2. What do we learn about hell in this passage?
3. The Greek word used for “Hell” is “gehenna”. It is a Greek form of the words used to describe a ravine located on the south side of Jerusalem which was used in Old Testament times as place were idolatrous human sacrifices were performed (Jeremiah 7:31, 19:5-6, 32:35). King Josiah put a stop to this practice (2 Kings 23:10). The valley eventually became a “city dump” where trash, human excrement, animal carcasses and at times dead bodies of executed criminals were dumped. There was a fire constantly burning and worms (maggots) were always prevalent. This place became to be used symbolically to describe hell. Imagine the scene – how would you describe the smell? What sounds would you hear? How do you feel about maggots? What point is Jesus making about hell?

FRIDAY: Read Revelation 20:10, 14,15 and Revelation 21:8

1. How is ultimate defeat of Satan and his followers described in these verses? How long will they be tormented?
2. Who will be thrown into this lake?
3. How does one get his name “written in the book of life”?

SATURDAY: We have spent the week focusing on what the Bible says of the destiny of those who reject Jesus. Read John 3:16. To whom is eternal life promised? Why did God send Jesus to earth (John 3:17)? The point is God does not send anyone to hell. We have a choice. Trust Jesus or trust in our on goodness. Where are you in your relationship with Jesus? Have you been baptized into Christ for the forgiveness of your sins? Do you have a relationship with him? Do you trust in Him for salvation or in your own goodness or religious acts?

Friday, February 15, 2008


The book of Hebrews is written to Jewish Christians who are struggling with keeping their faith in the face of persecution. The writer encourages them to stay strong. Hebrews 11 is a review of some of God’s people who lived by faith. This week we will focus on some of these “Heroes of Faith”

MONDAY: Hebrews 10:35-39

1. Read Hebrews 10:35-39. What does God promise those who do not “throw away their confidence”? Make a list of some things that may tempt someone to “lose your confidence” in God. Have you ever been tempted to lose your confidence in God? Who or what helped you to persevere? Are you struggling with your confidence with God now? If so, who can you talk too help you stay strong?

2. How does God say his “righteous one” will live? While we wait to meet God we have to options: Live by faith or shrink back. What does God says will happen to those who shrink back? To those who believe?

3. What do I need to do help me not to “shrink back” in my faith? Are their some schedule changes I need to make? Relationships I need to change? Habits I need to develop or give up? Identify some changes you can make in your life that will strengthen your faith. Share them with someone and ask them to help you make those changes.


1. How would you describe “faith” if asked to do so using one word?
What verbs does the Hebrew writer use in verses 1 and 6 to describe faith?
2. What do you “hope for” in Christ? We do not see heaven. Are you confident that you are going?
3. The “ancients” were commended be cause they believed God’s promises and His handling of the future even though they had no tangible evidence proof of that future other than God’s truthfulness. What fears about the future do you have? How can your faith in God help you alleviate those fears?
4. Taking the verbs you found in verses 1 and 6 write your own definition of faith in God. Share it with someone.


1. God continues to commend the ancients who lived by faith by giving us some specific examples. 18 times the writer uses the phrase “by faith”. We will look at some of them to see how we are to live by faith.
2. Read Hebrews 11:3. As believers what do we understand by faith?
No one was around when the universe began, therefore we believe it was spoken into existence by God or was an accidental big bang we have to accept our belief by faith. Talk with your family about what they are taught in school about the beginning of the world. Compare what they are taught with the following verses: Psalm 33:6-9, Genesis 1:1, Psalm 139:13-16
3. In what do evolutionists want us to put our faith? Which do you think takes more faith?


1. Read the story of Cain and Abel in Genesis 4:1-16. Besides the Hebrews 11 and Genesis 4 Cain is mentioned two other times in the Bible: I John 3:12, Jude 11. What words are used to describe Cain? Read Matthew 23:5. How is Abel described?
2. Read Genesis 4:3-6. What was the difference between Abel’s sacrifice and Cain’s? What does the words “fat portions” and “first fruits” show about Abel’s sacrifice?
3. God did not dislike Cain’s sacrifice because it was not an animal but God disliked the attitude in which Cain offered his sacrifice. He took “some” of the fruits. It was not an offering given out of faith.
4. How does Abel still speak to us today? What is he telling us?


1. Read Hebrews 11:5 and Genesis 5:22-24. What unusual blessing did Enoch receive?
2. How is Enoch’s relationship with God described in Genesis 5:24? Would you describe your relationship with God as “walking with God”, “running ahead of God”, “running from God”, or “lagging behind God”?
3. What does the phrase “walking with God” imply about Enoch’s relationship with God?
4. By faith Enoch did not experience death. What do we as Christians, by faith, know about physical death (See John 11:25-26, I Corinthians 15:54-57)?
5. How has your view of death changed since becoming a Christian? What question does Jesus ask Martha in John 11:26? How do you answer that question?


1. Read Hebrews 11:6. Playing off of Enoch’s commendation of one who pleased God what do we learn about the importance of faith in our lives?
2. What two facets of faith in God are needed if I am to come to God?
3. Has their ever been a crisis or situation in your life where you wondered of God existed? (Read Job 23:8-10 - How did Job deal with wondering about God’s presence in the midst of his hard times. What did he conclude? How have you come “forth as gold” when you kept faith in tough times?)
4. Whom does God reward? How does one earnestly seek God? How would you contrast an earnest seeker with an occasional seeker? Which type of seeker are you? How can knowing that God rewards you keep you going?

Saturday, February 9, 2008


Our house was hit by the flu bug pretty hard this week, so there will not be a lesson posted. Sorry and hopefully we can get back in the groove this next week. If their is a week on here you haven't done maybe you can follw one of them as a guide.
