Saturday, February 23, 2008


This week we are going to take an unpleasant journey as we look at what the Bible says about hell. A real place prepared for the devil and his angels. We will return to the “Living by Faith” study next week.

MONDAY: Read Luke 16:19-31

1. How many times does Jesus use the word “torment” or “agony” when telling this story? Look up the definitions of these two words? What type of things tormented the rich man who was in hell?
2. What lessons can we learn from verses 29-31? Who is that you need to warn about hell? What is keeping you from doing it?

TUESDAY: Read Matthew 25:31-46

1. According to this story what six actions will Jesus use as a basis for judgment?
For whom are they done – now and ultimately (verse 40)?
2. How does Jesus describe the reward waiting for the “sheep” (Verses 34, 46)?
3. How does he describe the punishment waiting for the “goats” (Verses 41, 46)?
4. Define “eternal”.
5. Review the six areas Jesus mentions. In which area are you the most comfortable in doing? Which area is the most difficult? Think of someone you can help this week in one of these six areas and as a LIFE group, family or individual look to serve them.

WEDNESDAY: Read Matthew 8:12, 13:42, 22:13, 25:30

1. How does Jesus describe hell in these verses? What emotions come to your mind when you see the words “weeping and gnashing of teeth”?
2. How do you think life would be if you never saw light?
3. Using the descriptions above draw a picture or wrote a poem or paragraph of what you would think hell would be like?

THURSDAY: Read Mark 9:43-48

1. Jesus is using hyperbole to make a point. What point is he making?
2. What do we learn about hell in this passage?
3. The Greek word used for “Hell” is “gehenna”. It is a Greek form of the words used to describe a ravine located on the south side of Jerusalem which was used in Old Testament times as place were idolatrous human sacrifices were performed (Jeremiah 7:31, 19:5-6, 32:35). King Josiah put a stop to this practice (2 Kings 23:10). The valley eventually became a “city dump” where trash, human excrement, animal carcasses and at times dead bodies of executed criminals were dumped. There was a fire constantly burning and worms (maggots) were always prevalent. This place became to be used symbolically to describe hell. Imagine the scene – how would you describe the smell? What sounds would you hear? How do you feel about maggots? What point is Jesus making about hell?

FRIDAY: Read Revelation 20:10, 14,15 and Revelation 21:8

1. How is ultimate defeat of Satan and his followers described in these verses? How long will they be tormented?
2. Who will be thrown into this lake?
3. How does one get his name “written in the book of life”?

SATURDAY: We have spent the week focusing on what the Bible says of the destiny of those who reject Jesus. Read John 3:16. To whom is eternal life promised? Why did God send Jesus to earth (John 3:17)? The point is God does not send anyone to hell. We have a choice. Trust Jesus or trust in our on goodness. Where are you in your relationship with Jesus? Have you been baptized into Christ for the forgiveness of your sins? Do you have a relationship with him? Do you trust in Him for salvation or in your own goodness or religious acts?

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